Her original name was Clara, actually. I used that name for one comic, then forgot and changed it to Claire. Nobody noticed. Anyway, her outfit is a low-cut T-shirt with the letters 'EF' engraved on them (they actually stand for 'Evil Fairy', not that it matters), a camoflauge mini-skirt, and (depending on my mood or whether her feed are showing) black evil boots or ballet slippers. Her hair basically looks as though she did it in two braids and just cut one off.
Her full name is Princess Melisande Terrilyn Helena of Rygund... Yes, she's a Princess. It's probably an interesting side story I'll never get to, considering how it only updates once a week in the school newspaper, and nobody can follow a story that long. She's the 'goth girl', although she's pretty non-gothic most of the time in her actions. She's Claire's official friend, the normality counter against Claire's hyperness, the 'sane' one. Funny, considering how she wears a lace-up corset and has no eyes.